Why More People Are Looking for Replacement Windows Now? May 24, 2017 What is it about the warming weather that inspires so many people to begin thinking about replacing their old, drafty, outdated windows? When it becomes tougher to open those windows, you notice them more. When you are using windows to allow fresh air into your home, you start to notice them more. You notice the imperfections, the flaws, the several coats of paint that were never scraped away from the glass itself. You pay attention to how difficult it is to open and close those windows. When you begin paying attention to these things, you’re more likely to wish you had something that was easier to operate, looked better, was more energy-efficient, and was simply better for your home. What can replacement windows offer you? Replacement windows can not only improve the comfort and feel of your home, they can also improve its appraised value. Replacement windows are one of the few home improvement projects that can actually increase the assessed value of your house. They can inspire more enjoyment of your house as well. Let’s take, for example, an investment in an outdoor living space. If you invest heavily in a nice patio or deck, great furniture, and even a wonderful grill, won’t you spend more time outdoors during the warmer spring and summer months? Most likely. If you invest properly in replacement windows, don’t you think it stands to reason you would want to spend more quality time in living room, family room, or even the kitchen? That’s what happens when people replace their old windows; they suddenly have a burst of energy that inspires them to pay more attention to the characteristics they use to thoroughly enjoy about their home.