It’s What You Don’t Know About Replacement Doors That Can Hurt You

enrty door could be leaking warm airThe average life expectancy for an entry door to a house is anywhere between 15 and 20 years. Many older homes still have the same front door that existed when it was built. This may seem practical and you might not give it a second thought, but here is some information you might not have realized.

Those drafts can be costly.

Many people think that drafts are only associated with windows, but those doors can also be costing you money on heating expenses every winter. In fact, 40 percent of your home’s heat is being lost through drafty windows and doors.

A loose entry door gives a potential burglar greater access to your home.

Even though the front door may be 50 years old and it looks decent enough, considering its age, and maybe you even like the rustic look it offers, if it is loose within the frame, even by a centimeter or less, even millimeters, that can give a potential experienced thief enough space to jam a crowbar in there and pop the door off the frame.

It can take less than five seconds for somebody with experience to gain access to your home and if you’re sleeping in the middle of night, you might not even hear it.

That’s why it’s a good idea to consider adding new replacement entry doors for your home if they are at least 15 years old or older. Ignoring those doors in lieu of other improvement projects could be placing you, your possessions, your home, and your family at unnecessary risk.