Tips for Properly Checking Out a Window and Door Company Online May 2, 2016 There are many aspects to a quality window and door company. Thanks to the Internet, it has become easy for just about any company, whether it is a single person trying to appear like a major corporation or a legitimate medium-sized business to create websites, marketing campaigns, email auto responders, and more that help them appear to be a lot better than they actually are. You want the best company to provide you the best service and selection. You understand that choosing the right replacement windows and doors is going to have a direct impact on many other aspects of your home, including its value. Here are some tips to keep in mind when searching online for a quality window and door company. Not all review rating sites are the same. You have many different sites that provide review mechanisms for businesses. Yelp and Google are the top two at the moment, but there are many others. You can’t weigh the value of a review site based on two or three reviews. Most people don’t leave a review unless they are completely thrilled and have some vested interest in the company or are completely annoyed for some reason. You do have to read between the lines, sometimes. Verify sources of information. Any company can post a host of testimonials, but that doesn’t mean they are legitimate. Ensure the testimonial has the first and last name of the individual supposedly leaving it. A first name or first name and initial of the last name is usually a pretty good sign it’s not a legitimate testimonial. Check all licenses, insurance, and bonding first. Before purchasing anything from a window and door company or any other home improvement contractor, check their licenses, make sure they are insured and bonded, and that they have the experience you deserve, especially when it comes to installation. You want a quality job done right the first time. If that’s really the case, contact Platinum Windows and Doors today.